.the world through the eyes of this girl.

Friday, August 21, 2009

and my creativity is feeding me.

i love food and like to cook at home and lately my cooking skills have been ON.  i was so impressed by my reawakened domesticity that i had to document it.  thanks to the internet and chance (totally went dada on some recipes) it seemed insanely simple: mix uncooked noodles, milk, cheese and some melted butter in a pan and bake for an hour.  to be honest i stopped reading the recipe after i read the ingredients and skipped to the bake an hour part.  i wasn't even certain that anything more was involved.  before i popped it in the oven i had reservations; it looked like someone puked after eating fettucine alfredo or some junk.  but i had faith.  to top it off i shortened the recipe and came out with a single serving the first night.  the next night i was able to get leftovers for a couple more meals and it came out perfect with crunch edges and everything.  YAY!  i added some diced onions and fresh spinach on top and well, here it is...

Wish i could make these but i haven't tried to yet.  Occasionally i treat me self and on my way from NY Burger I ran across this cute place called Madeline's Patisserie.  Needless to say these gems in the window caught my eye i heart them!  i think the colors attracted me, then i ate one and loved them so now years later i'm all about the ever elusive macaroon.

There were so many kinds at Madeline's, that they had a menu just for them.  these were the most i ever paid for them so i got just a few - no need to blow all my money on sugar (i was still sipping on a vanilla milkshake from burger place).  of course i got pistachio ones and a praline.  This is my dessert to my insanely easy mac & cheese dinner.  fridays at my crib - you will get fed...

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